exhibitor of 10th Exhibition Heat Treatment - 2016

September, 13 - 15, 2016 / Halls 1, 2, Pavilion 7, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Company information:

SECO/WARWICK GROUP is a leading global manufacturer of heat processing furnaces and equipment Expertise includes furnaces and equipment in five categories: vacuum heat treatment; atmosphere heat treatment; controlled atmosphere brazing of aluminum heat exchangers; melting, holding, and thermal processing of aluminum; and vacuum metallurgy.

SECO/WARWICK Group has seven companies located on four continents with customers in nearly 70 countries. The company provides standard or customized state-of-the-art heat processing equipment to forward-thinking companies in the following industries: automotive; aerospace; powder metallurgy; electronics; energy including nuclear, wind, oil & gas, and solar; machinery; tooling; medical; steel; titanium; general industrial; as well as aluminum and aluminum recycling.

SECO/WARWICK: Where Invention Meets Reliability.

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18th International Specialized Exhibition "Heat Treatment - 2025", September, 2025, Moscow, Russia

Heat treatment, industrial furnaces, laboratory furnaces, induction equipment, lining, insulation, carbon materials, refractories, endogenerators, centrifugal casting, non-destructive testing, kiln,
hardening equipment, vacation, annealing, heating system

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