Booking a booth:
conditions for participation in 18th Heat Treatment - 2025 Exhibition

If your company is working in the sphere of heat treatment technologies and equipment, of different materials and is interested in broadening the circle of its clients and partners and also in getting new information on the development of  the industry in whole as well as of its separate spheres, wants to learn about the newest technologies and the result of their application to different branches of industry, we'll be glad to see your company among the participants of the exhibition.

The composition of the structures and equipment of standard equipped stands "turnkey":

List of equipment for the standard booth (pc.): Booth space
6 sq.m. 9 sq.m. 12 sq.m. 15 sq.m.

18 sq.m.

20 sq.m.

Carpet Flooring + + + + + +
Letters on fascia 15 15 15 15 15 15
Table 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chair 2 4 4 4 4 4
Cupboard 1 1 1 1 1 1
Spotlight 100Wt 2 3 4 5 6 6
Plug socket 220V, capacity 2kW 1 1 1 1 1 1
Clothes rack 1 1 1 1 1 1
Waste backet 1 1 1 1 1 1
Additional wall panel (100x250 sm) - - 1 1 2 2
Folding door - - 1 1 1 1

Prices for participation in the exhibition:

The cost of participation in the exhibition is provided after the exhibitor fills out the application for participation (located below).

The additional price for a booth disposition:

» Corner booth (2 open sides) + 10%

» Half-island booth (3 open sides) + 15%

» Island booth (4 open sides) + 20%

Download the application for participation in the Heat Treatment - 2025 in MS Word

Application for participation in the
Heat Treatment - 2025

Online booth booking:

For preliminary booth booking, please, fill in the form below. After that the manager of the exhibition will contact you, will answer all your questions, will help you to choose the booth and will provide you wiht all the documents needed for applying for participation.

Contact person:
Company name:
Phone (with town code):
Fax (with town code):
Necessary square or Booth number:
(floor plan)
Sphere of company activity:

Consent to receive mailings on the exhibition and the heat treatment industry from Mir-Expo Exhibition Compny Ltd. to your e-mail

Note: This is to confirm that the personal data specified by me in this Form corresponds to the Federal Statute
“On personal data” of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ (in particular to item 1(10) of Art. 6, Art. 8, item 2(4) of Art. 22),
and express my consent to its processing (including by means of an assignment of such processing to the specialized organization).
The company undertakes to process personal data ensuring its confidentiality and safety.

Additional information:

* Please fill in correctly all the textfields



18th International Specialized Exhibition "Heat Treatment - 2025", September, 2025, Moscow, Russia

Heat treatment, industrial furnaces, laboratory furnaces, induction equipment, lining, insulation, carbon materials, refractories, endogenerators, centrifugal casting, non-destructive testing, kiln,
hardening equipment, vacation, annealing, heating system

© 2001-2025 Exhibition Company Mir-Expo / Multichannel phones: +7 800 333-78-25, +7 (495) 137-78-25 / Exhibitions in Moscow
The contents of this website are to be used for any purposes after getting a written permission of Mir-Expo Exhibition Company (Organizer) only.