Services for exponents of the Heat Treatment - 2024 Exhibition
Transport, Customs & Handling:
Expowestrans is one of the premier exhibition freight forwarders in Russia having been working at Expocentre Fairgrounds for about 25 years (transportation, storage, loading and unloading works, logistics and customs services).
Ph. +7 (495) 605-74-21, 605-03-27
Contact person: Mrs. Peshkova Anna
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
List of services of the exhibition centre:
- Warehouse services: renting storage space for up to 1 month, renting a unit for the storage of advertising and informational publications.
- Extra work time: in the pavilions, in an open area, more time for mounting and dismounting, extra time for vehicles to be placed on the territory of "Expocentre".
- Garbage collection and cleaning.
- Stuff: translator, electrician, plumber, welder, a specialist in audio-visual equipment, sound technician, registrar of the participants, the operator of data entry, cloakroom attendant, stand man, model, distributor of promotional publications, etc.
- Electrical, plumbing and other works and materials: the provision of electricity to connect the objects and nonstandard lighting, connection of kitchen and technological equipment belonging to the customer, water supply to the stand, compressed air, etc.
- Communication services: telephony, ISDN, Internet access, renting of active equipment, renting of a portable radio.
- Presentation equipment and related services: audio, video and projection equipment at the customer's bench and in conference rooms, audio recordings of press conferences, workshops, video processing of client's video, etc.
- Technical support of activities with simultaneous translation system.
- Advertising on the territory "Expocentre": video, Audio, outdoor advertising, renting of advertising stands, the distribution of information and promotional materials, etc.
- Organizing and conducting of promotional and informational activities.
- Passes to the territory of "Expocentre": an additional form for a participant, a pass for a distributor of information and advertising products, a pass for exhibitor's car, form of a complimentary ticket.
- Working with a personal computer, printing on a printer, scanning.
- Photo services: survey at the Fairgrounds territory, scanning with the recording to customer's data carrier, photographing of the customer at the booth.
- Security services: security to maintain order at the stand in the pavilion and open spaces, guarding of the stand with the use of technology, cynological team with specially trained dogs.
Additional information you can request at
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