SNOL-TERM, LLC. / Moscow, Russia

exhibitor of 10th Exhibition Heat Treatment - 2016

September, 13 - 15, 2016 / Halls 1, 2, Pavilion 7, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Company information:

Official representative of AB “Umega” (“Utenos Electrotechnika”) Lithuania. “SNOL-TERM” LLC. specializes on supply and service of thermal-electric equipment SNOL®: laboratory muffle furnaces and drying ovens with various technical characteristics, tube furnaces, ovens for electrodes, industrial chamber, shaft and conveyor furnaces, ovens with bogie and accessories, ovens with protective atmosphere, fire-safe and explosion-proof ovens, thermoinsolating slabs and components with different temperature limits.

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18th International Specialized Exhibition "Heat Treatment - 2025", September, 2025, Moscow, Russia

Heat treatment, industrial furnaces, laboratory furnaces, induction equipment, lining, insulation, carbon materials, refractories, endogenerators, centrifugal casting, non-destructive testing, kiln,
hardening equipment, vacation, annealing, heating system

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